amiina in Istanbul on April the 15th!

Our plan for the rest of January!

Hasselt and Cork: Næsari!

We just got back from a wonderful trip to Hasselt in Belgium and Cork in Ireland. Ooooo, it was a nice one! But let us start from the beginning. Lets start in Belgium...

After a 13 hour trip to Hasselt, we went out for some sushi. With the sushi I decided to have a Duvel. For those of you who don't know what a Duvel is, it's a Belgium beer which contains a serious amount of alcohol. I think it's like 8,5% or something ridiculous. Well...after two of those you get into this very psychedelic state of drunkenness. And that happened to me on that wonderful Tuesday evening... Waking up the day after was hard but very well worth here is a reminder to you all! Do not drink more than two Duvel at a time...

Sólrún and Hildur could not play the Hasselt show, so we got our very good friend of ours, called Sóley, to come and help us out. And man! She nailed it to the tree! She is hereby our supersub!...

And the show was fantastic. Well, in our opinion it was. And before us played the beautiful Susanne and the wonderful Silje Nes, both from Norway and kicking...Thank you very much Hasselt!

We flew from Brussels at way to early in the morning to Dublin the day after. With an aviation-company that we strongly recommend you do not fly with. The name of the company goes a little bit like this: Ry&$air. Our experience prior to the flight at the check-in and in the plane was terrible...but we survived and came to Cork at about 2 o'clock in the afternoon, where our main man Luke greeted us with his nice big smile... We actually stayed in Cork in for 5 days. And did some good stuff there! We got some work done. We had some good food. We had some Guinnes, Murphys, Beamish and Baileys. We got to play the only full gamelan set in Ireland. We even managed to play two shows, one secret show at the Cypress Avenue and one in the Cork Opera House.

Both shows were great. The show in the opera house was intense. It was one of the few shows all six of us have played together this year, which added to the brilliance of the gig. And the crowd wasn't to bad either (and I very much appreciate that you could handle all my talking...)

A few people get a special mention after this trip: Laurent, Sóley and all the staff at the Cultuurcentrum and at the Cork Opera House. And miss Mary Hickson, Luke, Molly and Sammy, you get a very special mention for being there for us, always...

And now comes the end of the longest tourblog in the history of mankind!

Love from Maggi and the rest of the gang!

Is he coming or not? Part 1....the tale of amiina and the president of Iceland.

We (Maggi and Edda) are currently sitting in a aeroplane on our way back home from Frankfurt where we played a beautiful show last night for a wonderful audience at the Mousonturm. Absolutely beautiful! We even managed to add a new song to the set, a brand new song......but it was a very weird night though. First af all we got a visit from the Frankfurt bombsquad who looked for bombs in the building but found none. Then we got a visit from the Frankfurt police (or Polizei like they call them in Germany) who were there to secure the place while we were playing. And we also got a visit from the Frankfurt Special Forces who were placed on roofs all around the venue with snipers and everything! And ALL this security because of Icelands president who was supposed to come to the show but never came. He was on his way, then he was not on his way, then he was on his way, then he decided not to come. We think he is suffering from mild confusion disorder or something (noooo...just joking!). But the foreign minister showed up. That was nice of him. Anyway...this was just really funny. All that security because of a man we see in the supermarket on occasion. Probably just protocol. That´s just how it goes...

Like we said before (Maggi and Edda...we can´t really tell you how the others feel; we are not psychic or anything...) we had a wonderful time playing last night. The crowd was very welcoming and up for a laugh . Which is nice! Thank for being wonderful.

And also we very much like playing these days because finally Sólrún has joined us again after her break. That´s "top nice", like they say in Denmark. And we are also very happy because we managed to add a new song. So now we are going to go more often to the studio to write new material. But fist up is Airwaves!

Good times!

Love, Maggi and Edda

Singapore, here we come!

We are on our way to Singapore to perform our live soundtrack to Lotte Reiniger´s silhouette animation. So all you people in Singapore, check it! Just check our "Shows"-section for links and info. We are performing at the The Playdome in the Gallery Theatre in the National Museum of Singapore ( Fun times, here we come!

PS. If you guys haven´t seen our new video yet, please do check out our "Media"-section. It´s super-duper nice!